My work and research has been presented locally, nationally, and internationally at academic conferences, schools, and Indigenous communities.
Keynote/Plenary Presentations
Invited Presentations
International Presentations
US/Canada Conference Presentations
Local Presentations
School & Community Presentations
- Galla, C.K. (2017, October). Working from a place of resilience: Hawaiian language, technology and the contemporary world. Plenary for the PuliimaNational Indigenous Languages and Technology Forum, Cairns, Australia.
- Galla, C.K. (2017, May). Living our Indigenous languages to build a sustainable future. Keynote for the Torres Strait Languages System. Thursday Island, Torres Strait Islands
- Galla, C.K. (2017, March). Indigenous language perseverance beyond the traditional homeland: cultivating ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi through perfomative and creative practice. Featured speaker for the Indigeneity Panel, Kelowna, BC, Canada
- Galla, C.K. & Wilson, W.H. (2017, February). Developing and Advancing Pathways to Indigenous Language Fluency in Post-Secondary Education. Co-keynote for the Indigenous Languages Fluency Symposium, Kelowna, BC, Canada
- Galla, C.K. & Turin, M. (2016, June). Digital Futures: Indigenous Language Revitalization in the 21st Century. Keynote for the Indigitization Futures Forum, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Invited Presentations
- Galla, C.K. & Goodwill, A. (2017, March). Asserting well-being through reclamation and revitalization of our Indigenous languages. Talk story roundtablefor the 5thannual International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation, Honolulu, HI, USA
- Galla, C.K. (2017, February).Living our Indigenous languages in multiple domains to support fluency. Indigenous Languages Fluency Symposium, Kelowna, BC, Canada
- Galla, C.K. (2016, June). Film screeningand discussion of the documentary, “Rising Voices / Hótȟaŋiŋpi – Revitalizing the Lakota Language”, U.S. Consul General, Vancouver, BC, Canada (with L. Kesler [moderator], Callison, C., Claxton, D., & Grant, L.)
- Galla, C.K. (2016, March). Technology-enhanced Indigenous language revitalization: Pedagogy, praxis and possibilities for materials development. Paper presentation for the Arctic Indigenous Education Conference, Guovdageaidnu, Norway
- Galla, C.K. & Kubota, R. (2015, May). The role of theory in Indigenous language revitalization and other critical, socially-relevant, and action-oriented research. Presentation for the World Café (for Research Week), Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2013, September). On Endangered Languages, Digital Technologies, and Archives. Roundtable presentation for the On Endangered Languages: Indigeneity, Community, and Creative Practice Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada (with K. Hennessy [chair], D. Nathan, C. Tallio, M. Turin)
- Galla, C. K. (2013, February). Living the Hawaiian language in a multimedia technologyenhanced world. Presentation for Musqueam 101 (community and speaker series), Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2012, December). Living our Indigenous languages through performative arts: ‘O ka ‘Ōlelo ke Ka‘ā o ka Mauli (Language is the fiber that binds us to our cultural identity). Presentation at Crossing Identity Borders, BCNU Human Rights & Equity Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2012, July). Indigenous language revitalization and the role of technology. Presentation at UBC/SFU Summer Institute on Recurring Questions of Technology: A Brief History of Consciousness and Learning, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2012, April). Technacy and language revitalization: multimedia technology use among Indigenous communities. Presentation as part of the symposium, Walking in (More Than) Two Worlds: Literacy and Language Revitalization in Canada's North, at the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada (with B. Norton [chair], L. Fabian, A. Fabian, K. Powell, & B. Kaulback)
- Galla, C. K. (2011, November). Revitalizing language and culture in the community: a Hawaiian model. Presentation for the Linguistics Department Colloquium, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2011, October). Indigenous language teaching strategies. Presentation for the Aboriginal Family and Community Literacy Curriculum Seminar, Vancouver, BC.
- Galla, C. K. (2010, October). Indigenous languages of the United States: A Linguistics Overview. Presentation at Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani College of Hawaiian Language. Hilo, HI, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2010, April). Our language creates our worlds: without language there is no world. Presentation at the Northwest Indian Youth Conference 2010, Seattle, WA, USA
International Presentations
- Galla, C.K. & Goodwill, A. (2017, March). Talking story with vital voices: Enacted knowledge of Indigenous language, culture and wellbeing. Poster presentationat the 5thannual International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation, Honolulu, HI, USA
- Galla, C. (2015, February). Multimedia technology enhanced materials development for Indigenous language revitalization. Paper presentation at the 4thannual International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation, Honolulu, HI, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2013, October). Perpetuating Hawaiian Indigeneity, Language, and Performance in a Globalizing World. Presentation at the In the Balance: Indigeneity, Performance, Globalization conference. London, England
- Galla, C. K. (2013, August). Hula as a global phenomenon: Benefits and challenges for the Hawaiian culture and language. Panel presentation at the Pacific Arts Association International Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada (with L. Galla, D. Keawe, & L. Kimura)
- Galla, C. K. (2013, February). E ola ana ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi ma o ka hula, mele, a oli (The Hawaiian language will live through Hawaiian Dance, Song, and Chant). Poster presentation at the 3rdInternational Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation, Honolulu, HI, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2011, May). Utilizing technology to carry forward Indigenous voices from the past. Presentation at the Puliima 2011 National Indigenous Languages and Technology Forum, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
- Galla, C. K. (2010, February). Technology and Indigenous language revitalization survey: multimedia use amongst Indigenous communities. Presentation at the 1st International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2010, February). American Indian language development institute. Presentation at the 1st International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2009, March). Language revitalization: technological developments among Indigenous language communities. Poster presentation at the 1stInternational Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation, Honolulu, HI, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2007, January). Digitalgame creation as forms of literacy instruction. Paper presentation at the 5thAnnual Hawai`i International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI, USA
US/Canada Conference Presentations
- Galla, C.K., Kawaiʻaeʻa, K., Leonard, B., Nicholas, S., Taniwha, Smith, G., R., McKenzie, J., Shanley, K., & Hume, R. (2017, May). Strengthening and broadening Indigenous knowledge and leadership capacity across our lands and waterways. Roundtable presentation at the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA), Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C.K., Leonard, B., Nicholas, S., Kawaiʻaeʻa, K., McKenzie, J., Smith, G., Taniwha, R., & Benally, C. (2016, May). A nexus of international post-secondary institutions: nourishing relationships in hybrid delivered Indigenous education courses. Roundtable presentation at the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA), Honolulu, HI, USA
- Galla, C. (2014, January). Living our Indigenous languages: A home away from home. Paper presentation at the Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium. Hilo, HI, USA
- Leonard, B., Nicholas, S., Gilmore, P., & Galla, C. (2013, November). Knowledge production in Indigenous scholarship: Fostering relationships, reciprocity, responsibility and respect through cross-institutional collaborative engagements. Roundtable presentation at the American Anthropological Association conference. Chicago, IL, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2012, May). Living our Indigenous languages through multimedia technology and performative arts: My experience at the University of British Columbia. Presentation at the 19thAnnual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium, Kamloops, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2012, April). Multimedia technology training and praxis: case studies of American Indian language development institute students. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2010, May).Revitalizing our languages: towards decolonizing technologies for Indigenous communities. Panel presentation “Renewal of Indigenous Languages & Cultures: Up and Coming Indigenous Scholars Research Findings”at the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, Tucson, AZ, USA (with J. Johnson, M. R. Sam, & D. Joseph)
- Galla, C. K., Zepeda, O, & Romero, L. (2009, November). Our language creates our worlds: without language there is no world. Presentation at the American Indian Youth Conference, Tucson, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2009, October 23). American Indian Language development institute. Presentation at the National Indian Education Association Annual Convention. Milwaukee, WI, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2009, October 24). Language everywhere, everyday for everyone. Panel presentation “Language Summit, Empowering People with Practical Skills to Revitalize Native Languages” at the National Indian Education Association Annual Convention, Milwaukee, WI, USA (with G. Hill [facilitator], R. Bugbee, C. Harvey, K. Langford, R. Nez, & I. Slaughter)
- Galla, C. K., Oberly, S., Sam, M. & Zepeda, O. (2009, May). American Indian language development institute (AILDI): assessing and addressing current needs in Indigenous language communities. Presentation at the 16thAnnual Stabilizing Indigenous Language Symposium, Tempe, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2009, May). Current and Emergent Indigenous Research in the Academy. Panel presentation at the 16thAnnual Stabilizing Indigenous Language Symposium, Tempe, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2009, March). The role of technology in Indigenous language revitalization: efforts by Indigenous communities. Presentation at the California Conference on American Indian Education, Palm Springs, CA, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2009, March). American Indian language development institute. Presentation at the California Conference on American Indian Education, Palm Springs, CA, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2009, March). Language revitalization: technological developments among Indigenous language communities. Poster presented at the Conference on the Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America (CELCNA). Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2009, March). American Indian language development institute. Presentation at the Conference on the Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America (CELCNA). Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Brown, G., Galla, C. K., Hoffman, A., Shadowwalker, D., Galda, D., Holmes, A., & Tirado-Paredes, C. (2009, February 24). Spanning sovereign borders: Current and emergent Indigenous research in the academy. Panel presentation at the Language, Reading and Culture Colloquy, Tucson, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2008, May). A comprehensive review of technology use in Native language revitalization. Paper presented at the 15thAnnual Stabilizing Indigenous Language Symposium, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K., Vance, E., & Fimbres, C. (2007, February). Bigger is not necessarily better: introduction to microdevelopmental research. Paper presented at the Language, Reading and Culture (LRC) Graduate Student Colloquy: LRC at Twenty: Engaging Critical Praxis. Tucson, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2006, February). Digitalgame creation as forms of literacy instruction.Presentation at the Language, Reading and Culture (LRC) Graduate Student Colloquy, Tucson, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2004, June). In ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, what is the phonological environment of /w/? Poster presented at the 25th Annual American Indian Language DevelopmentInstitute, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Local Presentations
- Galla, C. K & Ryan, K. (2016, October). Digital Storytelling in the Language Classroom. Workshop presentation for the BC Association of Teachers of Modern Languages 2016 Fall "Celebrating Languages" Conference, Burnaby South Secondary School, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. & LLED 480/565 Students (2013, July). Multimedia Technology and Microteaching for Indigenous Language Learning and Revitalization.Presentation at the First Nations Languages Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2012, July). E ola ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi ma o ka hula, mele, a oli (Living the Hawaiian language through Hawaiian dance, song, and chant). Hōʻike performance as part of LLED 565 course requirement, Living our Indigenous languages through performative arts. Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2012, July). E ola ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi ma o ka hula, mele, a oli (Living the Hawaiian language through Hawaiian dance, song, and chant).Presentation as part of Indigeneity Educational Institute, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. (2012, April). Multimedia technology and language revitalization: carrying forward our Indigenous voices. Presentation at the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Summit 2012, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
School & Community Presentations
- Galla, C.K. (2017, April). Global Indigenous Peoples.Presentation to Grade 3 students at Crofton House School, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Galla, C. K. & Wilson, W. H. (2010, October). Native language education.Presentation to Stanford Anthropology class, Hilo, HI, USA
- Galla, C. K. & Romero, L. (2009, February). American Indian language development institute. Presentation at Tohono O’odham Community College, Sells, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K. & Siquieros, R. (2007, December). American Indian language development institute. Presentation for Tribal Elders of the Yavapai-Apache Nation, Camp Verde, AZ, USA
- Galla, C. K. (2007, September). Post-secondary education. Presentation at Hiaki High School (Junior & Senior Class), Tucson, AZ, USA